开源电子书阅读器 Thorium Reader 3.1.0 中文免费版


Thorium Reader 是一个易于使用的 EPUB 阅读应用程序,适用于 Windows 10/10S,MacOS 和 Linux。从目录或 OPDS 导入电子书后,你将能够在任何屏幕尺寸上阅读,自定义布局设置,通过目录或页面列表导航,设置书签… 我们非常注意确保使用 NVDA、JAWS 或 Narrator 的视障人士能够使用该应用程序。


图片[1]-开源电子书阅读器 Thorium Reader 3.1.0 中文免费版-晓白博客网

图片[2]-开源电子书阅读器 Thorium Reader 3.1.0 中文免费版-晓白博客网

图片[3]-开源电子书阅读器 Thorium Reader 3.1.0 中文免费版-晓白博客网







内置 TTS 引擎
Thorium Reader 的一个很大的特点是,它带有一个集成的文本到语音模块,允许你听你的电子书,而不是阅读它。你可以启用字幕,以帮助你在阅读过程中跟踪文本的进展。

总而言之,Thorium Reader 是一个在电脑上阅读电子书的可靠解决方案。由于有许多定制选项和内置的 TTS 引擎,它也适用于视力障碍者或有阅读障碍的人。

电子书越来越受欢迎,允许你在电脑上阅读电子书的应用程序也越来越多。Thorium Reader 就是这样一个应用程序,它支持 EPUB、EPUB3、LCPL、Audiobook、LCPA、LPF、Lcpaudiobook 格式。你甚至可以添加一个 OPDS 来访问整个目录。


  • Localization: updated translations, Weblate now recommended instead of GitLocalize
  • Feature: annotations, import + export (various "selector" formats powered by Apache Annotator, tested with DOM Ranges spanning across XHTML, SVG, MathML, foreignObject, etc.) and updated graphical user interface (list filtering, etc.)
  • Feature: TTS readaloud and EPUB3 Media Overlays, option to disable continuous playback (checkbox in playback settings panel)
  • Feature: visual navigation indicators in HTML publication documents (temporary outline) can now be disabled
  • Feature: additional information labels in the "settings" GUI to describe actions and choices
  • Feature: URL query params 'lang' and 'version' to online documentation
  • Feature: TTS readium-speech integration, organised and opinionated voice selector
  • Feature: TTS and EPUB3 Media Overlays, popup foonotes are disabled so that they can be played inline as intended by content creators
  • Feature: "preferred" settings for reader configuration, save/load/reset
  • Feature: PDF.js latest library version
  • Feature: latest Electron v34 (i.e. more recent Chromium web browser engine and NodeJS runtime)
  • Fix: XML parsing in DAISY 2.02 NCC.html was choking on doctype with empty declaration [], also SMIL parser fix for skippables (system-required sidebar-on and note-on), and merge of contiguous SMIL SEQ/AUDIO inside PAR
  • Fix: XML parser UTF8 BOM Byte Order Mark removal
  • Fix: TTS readaloud SVG deep utterances (no aria-label / title), escapability
  • Fix: TTS Japanese Ruby skipped (ignored) when visually hidden, played instead of base / non-Ruby when visually displayed (does not use skippability semantics of TTS / EPUB3 Media Overlays)
  • Fix: accessibility labels in some user interface controls, improved GUI structure and semantics
  • Fix: accessibility metadata, preliminary update (more to come in a future release) to match the latest presentation guide, support for printPageNumbers vs. pageBreakMarkers vs. pageNavigation
  • Fix: download panel was reporting incorrect status (mismatched unique identification), URL was conflated with label, added support for unknown content-length (indeterminate progress bar), handling of content-disposition UTF8 percent-escaped filename, consume www-authenticate response error description, HTTP content-type was taking the precedence over content-disposition header
  • Fix: LCP provider certificate expiration error messaging
  • Fix: bookmarks were incorrectly synchronised when several reader windows were open
  • Fix: OPDS and other publication download authentication flow across domains, also fixed OAuth 2.0 Implicit Grant flow (client ID etc.)
  • Fix: added missing keyboard shortcuts in library view for first/last previous/next
  • Fix: keyboard focus "inversion of control" (eliminated focus stealing), Thorium GUI now pushes requests to navigator / HTML document renderer, removed body-injected underscore / jump link, automatic vs. manual keyboard redirection from modal vs. docked navigation panels, added keyboard shortcut to force-focus deep into the webview (just in case the default method fails, depends on Chromium behaviour of out-of-process iframe inside shadow DOM / custom element)
  • Fix: command line lifecycle / action flow
  • Fix: various GUI issues
  • Fix(dev): updated Continuous Integration / GitHub Actions scripts, added dependency analyser script, introduced support for Flox/Nix, improved Linux Docker builder, adde NPM scripts lifecycle checks (pre/post/install security)
  • Fix: Thorium was only accepting lower case file extensions
  • Fix: LCP edge-case,broken publications that are encrypted but do not contain a license to unlock them
  • Fix: Divina layout setting was not enabled, improved progression reporting
  • Fix: user interface finger touch / swipe, text selection
  • Fix: persistent JSON filesystem state diff/patch could crash with large dataset
  • Fix: improved performance of text selection highlighter engine



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