网页浏览器、极客浏览器 Vivaldi Browser v6.8.3381.48【绿色软件】



极客浏览器,即 Vivaldi 是一款由美国维瓦尔第软件科技公司采用谷歌 Chromium Blink 开发者极速内核引擎精心设计与开发制作的已内置诸多原 Opera 用户专属功能的网页浏览器,以为我们的朋友而打造为诉求,旨在为原先欧朋的忠实爱用者。集谷歌之心与欧朋之情于一体的完美交融,持续致力于简约且高效率的用户交互体验。

Vivaldi 延续了原欧朋时代网友热衷与便捷的实用功能,例如:高度可自定义界面、主题、笔记、标签管理、快捷命令、键盘操作、书签管理、鼠标手势等等。当然只有用户想不到的,没有它极客无法实现的,极客浏览器非凡网页冲浪体验践行者。


图片[1]-网页浏览器、极客浏览器 Vivaldi Browser v6.8.3381.48【绿色软件】-晓白博客网


  • 快速拨号 – 内置在每一个新标签中,让你得以快速访问你最爱的网站;
  • 快速拨号文件夹 – 用文件夹来整理快速拨号以方便使用;
  • 快捷命令 – 使用简单的文本命令掌控 Vivaldi 的一切;
  • 快进 – 顺序跳转到一系列页面中的下一页,完美契合搜索页面;
  • 快退 – 快速回到当前域名下你访问的第一个网页;
  • 笔记 – 在浏览时记下笔记并将链接到特定网站;
  • Web 面板 – 你可以在网页面板里访问任何网页,适用于并行浏览或访问社交网站;
  • 面板 – 快速访问书签、下载和笔记;
  • 搜索框 – 使用多个预置的搜索引擎,或添加自定义搜索引擎;
  • 自定义搜索引擎 – 你几乎可以将任何一种搜索框添加到 Vivaldi 中;
  • 会话 – 保存打开的一组标签,并随时可以再次访问;
  • 标签组 – 将一个标签拖动到另一个标签上即可保存为一个标签组;
  • 可视化标签 – 扩宽标签栏以显示可视化预览;
  • 垃圾箱 – 恢复已关闭的标签和弹出窗口;
  • 标签循环 – 在已打开的标签之间迅速跳转;
  • 标签组平铺 – 以并列或网格形式查看标签组中的标签;
  • 书签栏 – 一个用来简化书签访问和管理的工具栏;
  • 昵称 – 为书签添加昵称,以便从地址栏快速访问;
  • 鼠标手势 – 通过鼠标滑行执行浏览器的每个关键操作;
  • 键盘快捷键 – 使用键盘组合键来快速执行对应功能;
  • 快速拨号背景 – 定制快速拨号的背景图;
  • 网页缩放 – 放大或缩小网页内容;
  • 用户界面缩放 – 调整 Vivaldi 用户界面元素的大小;
  • 一键变色 – 一键改变 Vivaldi 的界面;
  • 自适应界面配色 – Vivaldi 的界面会根据当前浏览的网页变换颜色;


• [New][Themes] Theme sharing (VB-38363)
• [New][Translate][Panel] Provide a new way to translate selections and arbitrary text (VB-80593)
• [New][Address bar][Download] Offer additional way of showing downloads (VB-80226)
• [New][Page Actions][Chain Commands][Keyboard][Gestures] Handle page actions as commands (VB-82950)
• [New][Chain Commands] Add parameter to search with selection command: to specify search engine (VB-81860)
• [New][Linux]Provide rpm packages for ARM and ARM64 (VB-84132)
• [Address bar] Checking a URL with a search engine goes to URL instead of searching (VB-84115)
• [Address bar] URL in address field not updated after opening a site from Bookmarks menu (VB-83568)
• [Address bar] URLs with encoded characters are not properly encoded when copying the URL (VB-77574)
• [Blocker][Keyboard] Tracker blocking badge is not keyboard accessible (VB-65331)
• [Bookmarks] Duplicate text overlaid on javascript and mailto URLs (VB-81608)
• [Capture] Button not translated (VB-84477)
• [Capture] Dragging isn’t possible after screenshot (VB-84242)
• [Capture] Missing UI for screenshot of area (VB-83510)
• [Chromium] Upgraded to 96.0.4664.51
• [Download] Doesn’t finish although it reach 100% (VB-83809)
• [Download] Data blob download fails (VB-84157)
• [Gestures][Keyboard] Translate Page Not Available as a Command (VB-82214)
• [Gestures][Settings] Animation not displaying (VB-82288)
• [Linux][Media] Update proprietary codecs to 98.0.4710.4—104707
• [Locale] Swedish system long date format incorrect (VB-73701)
• [Menus] Improve capability to recover from broken syntax in menu files (VB-84124)
• [Menus][PWA][Speed Dials] Useless “Create shortcut…” context menu item (VB-83236)
• [Panels] Can’t open “windows with N tabs” in window panel (VB-83590)
• [Panels][Download] Missing information if disk is full (VB-77323)
• [Panels][Download] Order of entries in download panel change on click after download finished (VB-69518)
• [Panels][Tabs] Sort tabs by domain has stopped working (VB-84492)
• [Performance] Enable backward/forward cache by default (VB-83644)
• [Performance][Address bar] Improve performance by doing less re-rendering (VB-83559)
• [Performance][Tabs] Fewer avoidable re-renders while dragging tabs (VB-83498)
• [Periodic reload][Tabs] Only affects last selected tab in a group of tabs (VB-84439)
• [Privacy] Add .gitignore file to profile folder; A warning should display if the profile might be in a Git repository (VB-84485)
• [Quick Commands] Should take history state into account with autocomplete (VB-83489)
• [Quick Commands] Tune history search (VB-82876)
• [Reader Mode] Failing in some cases when it should not (VB-83689)
• [Speed Dial] Cannot rename bookmark by clicking on the title; cut/copy/paste in the title field doesn’t work (VB-81991)
• [Speed Dial] Opening a page from a folder, then going back does not return you to the folder (VB-84101)
• [Speed Dial][Search] Ask users to consider using Startpage instead of Google (VB-73553)
• [Sync] Can’t use $ in password (VB-83806)
• [Tabs] Dragging should update less when animations are off (VB-83757)
• [Tabs] Dragging tab selects another tab (VB-83758)
• [Tabs] When tab bar is hidden, a new tab from a stack opens outside the stack (VB-79128)
• [Tabs][Keyboard] F6 focus selection disappears on tab stacks (VB-83959)
• [Tabs][Performance] Poor performance with many tabs (VB-84121)
• [Translate] Better error handling to improve automatic detection (VB-84434)
• [Translate] Error in console when loading XML file (VB-83681)
• [Translate] Selection button and popup might end up below the page (VB-83429)
• [Windows][Media] Sound occasionally fails: fixes some of these instances (VB-82763)


网页浏览器、极客浏览器 Vivaldi Browser v6.8.3381.48【绿色软件】-晓白博客网
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